Icela Wade

SeƱora Wade

[email protected]

Contact information:

If you would like to contact me please email me at [email protected]

Learning platform:

I will be using Google Classroom

Course Materials:
For Spanish Textbooks go to Google Classroom, there you can find the textbook and the workbooks.

How will I deliver lessons?

I will be updating instructions on Google Classroom. Parents, please make sure your emails are up to date and correct on Q Parent Connect.

When will lessons be posted?

I plan on posting lessons every Monday morning. 

How will I keep track of the work that I assign student to complete?

I will be updating my Q gradebook every week so students can see if I received their work or not.  If there are any questions or concerns, please email me.

How do students and parents contact me?

Email is the best way to contact me.  


How to submit work:

  • Period 1     Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers  
  • Code: 5woktag
  • Period 4     Spanish 3       
  • Code:  3kipzr5              

  • Period 5     Spanish 3           Code:  wcvtwar

  • Period 6     Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers                                               Code: puok71
  • Period  7    Spanish 3 Honors              Code: equqdhp

How will I keep track of the work that I assign student to complete?

I will be updating my Q gradebook every week so students can see if I received their work or not.  If there are any questions or concerns, please email me.

AP Spanish Literature and Culture Syllabus (1).docx
Syllabus Heritage Speakers 2.doc
SPANISH 3 22-23 Syllabus (1).docx

Some of the websites I will be using to supplement my instruction:



