All grades will be recorded in Q. We will have daily quizzes on Google Classroom worth a few points each. The bulk of the grades will come from CAD assignments. These projects will take many days to complete so they do not get graded as often as the daily quizzes. These projects will range in value from 50 to 100 points. They will considerably outweigh the daily quizzes. It will be difficult to pass the course without doing both.
This class is an activity class. Most of the time I demonstrate and discuss the assignments at the beginning of each period and then let the students have the rest of the period to work on their assignments.
Office Hours:
You may email me at any time about grades or instructions or anything else that I may be of assistance.
Contact information:
If you need to contact me, please email me at the following:
[email protected].
I hope the above information answers your questions and concerns. Please do not hesitate in reaching out to me if you are experiencing any problems/issues or have other concerns that I have not addressed. We are in this together and I will do my best to support you.