Did you miss registration??
We are closed until the first day of school: Tuesday, August 8th. If you missed registration, here's what you can expect on the 1st day of school:
- Photo/ID Card: On the first day of school, report to the front of the school and enter the Performing Arts Center (PAC) Lobby. Here, you will take your photo and receive your ID card (these will be the photos that will be in the yearbook for grades 9-11, so dress to impress!). You will not be allowed to enter campus until you have your ID card. Wear it daily - it is mandatory and costs $10 for a replacement each time it is forgotten.
- Schedule Changes: On the first day of school, if you still don't have your issue resolved, you may stop by your counselor's office before school, during lunch, or after school. Remember, changes are not made for period or teacher requests.
- Textbooks can be checked out in the Textbook Office in the B-building. You will need to show your schedule. Lockers are in use this year, so feel free to utilize your lockers to store your books.
- Activities Office will be available for purchases.
- Laptops can be checked out in the Library. All students should have a school issued device since BYOD is not supported.
- Lockers: The locker info on your schedule at registration is correct. If you need to make a change, go see Mrs. Relatores in the Admin Hallway. We are working with district to get the locker info to appear in Student Connect.
Here's a link to all of the information pertaining to Fall Registration: https://www.smore.com/86kybp