School Safety Initiatives

School Safety Initiatives

We would like to reemphasize and reinforce practices that have been implemented at our school sites over the past several years to minimize vulnerabilities and increase preparedness among students, staff, and parents. Recent examples include:

  • Development of Mental Health Task Force

  • Lockdown drills

  • Active shooter training

  • Raptor check-in system requiring visitors to show proof of ID and Megan's law verification

  • Fencing at schools throughout the District to keep schools closed from outsiders

  • Security cameras at all school sites

  • Law enforcement officer at each high school

  • Partnership with Corona Police Dept. and Riverside County Sheriffs Dept. which includes patrolling at all campuses.

  • Implemented Gaggle, monitors students email and google accounts for threats of violence or self harm

  • First Responder training with school staff that includes: First Aid, AED, CPR, and Narcan 

Please be assured CNUSD will continue the dialogue regarding school safety and refine our practices and procedures to ensure the safety of our students and staff is not compromisedStaff, students, and members of our community fill a vital role in our safety protocols; open communication between home and school is critical to the safety and well-being of our students and your children. Together as a community, we will be united in maintaining our campus safety.