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Science Department

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Norco High School recommends all students to take three consecutive years in Science to ensure students reach their greatest potential and have the best opportunity at pursuing their goals immediately after graduation. Here are all of the great benefits:


Required for students to meet the Cal State and UC’s “a-g” requirement. Science is a “D” Laboratory Science and recommends three (3) years to be competitive (laboratory science, such as Biology, Chemistry, or Physics). Visit the University of California a-g website to look up Norco High School current a-g courses!


CAST (California Science Test)

All 11th grade students take the CAST test in the spring, which is an online assessment based on the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The CAST measures what students know and can do using these standards, which focuses on understanding the scientific concepts found in the life sciences, earth and space sciences, and physical sciences. These standards integrate disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts to help students understand how science works in the natural world. Visit the NGSS website to view standards students will be assessed on!



Norco High School Course Majors is special recognition given to students who have completed rigorous coursework within the department of their choice. Students who successfully complete the requirements and submit an application, receive a Course Medal at Senior Awards Night in the spring. Students may wear their Course Medals at graduation. (Click here to download the application - must be submitted by students before Spring Break). 


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ASVAB Scores - increases scores which equal more job choices in the military for the young recruit.  The ASVAB test includes English and Math with some embedded science questions. Students who demonstrate a higher aptitude have more choices for job placement.

Brain Development - there is a higher level of learning that increases neural pathways in the brain that increases intelligence and analytical abilities.

Skillset - the skills learned in science and math helps students in their future endeavors as they learn to analyze and apply concepts for problem solving.

Norco Strong - higher test scores, which represents the strong and valuable academics provided at Norco High. Higher scores also means higher property values.

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