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(CAASPP Testing, Spring 2021)

Each year students in grades 3 - 8 and 11 take the California State Assessments known as Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. For the 2020 - 2021 school year, the Federal and California State Boards of Education have granted flexibility to districts to determine if this is the best assessment to give students to gather data on how our students are progressing. The flexibility allows district to either give the SBAC assessments or give local assessments.

Based on this flexibility, CNUSD has determined that is best for us to administer local assessments to our students. All grade 11 students will take their local assessments in ELA and MATH via FastBridge.

After the students have completed the assessments, families will receive a student score report on their progress.

May 12, 2021 through May 26, 2021
(Teachers may choose when to administer the test within this two-week window)

Test Duration:
ELA: 15-30 minutes
Math: 15-30 minutes
Science: None (This year's 11th graders will take the CAST next year as 12th graders.)

Test Location:
All testing will take place during the in-person school day. Testing may NOT be done at home. ELA will be administered by ELA teachers.  Math will be administered by Math teachers. For students who do not have a Math class, I will work with my wonderful testing ladies to administer to students in the Library.

Test Website:
Students will access the test on Illuminate (they must have their device the day of the test). More details to come.

All 11th graders will be required to test (excluding Life Skills students).

Opting Out:
Parents will not be able to opt their child out of the test, just as a district assessment cannot be opted out of. Forward any emails or letters you may receive if you receive any.

Administer this exam as you would a District Assessment.

Test Data:
Teachers will get access to data. More info to come). Test results will also be mailed home to families, populated in Q, and used in the school's SARC data.

Teacher/Proctor Training:
More info to come.

Virtual Students:
Yes, students in the virtual setting will also be testing. Virtual teachers have already received information on this.

*New* No testing make-ups. Please ask your student to make up the test during class during the test window while the students work on independent work.

What about the EAP:
In lieu of the CAASPP scores for both SBAC ELA and SBAC Math, the district is looking into alternative options to be able to offer in Fall 2021.

Teacher Resources:
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