Early Assessment Program (EAP)
The Early Assessment Program (EAP) is a collaborative effort among the State Board of Education (SBE), the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California State University (CSU).
The program was established to provide opportunities for students to measure their readiness for college-level English and mathematics in their junior year of high school, and to facilitate opportunities for them to improve their skills during their senior year.
Program Goals
- To have California high school graduates enter the CSU fully prepared to begin college-level study
- To give high school students an early signal about their college readiness and adequate time to prepare before entering CSU or a community college
- To encourage students to use their senior year proactively, by taking specific courses in math and English in preparation for college
- To align school and CSU standards so that success in school means readiness for the CSU
- To provide professional learning opportunities for K-12 and community college educators in English and mathematics
Statewide Testing
Each spring, high school juniors across California participate in statewide computer-based assessment testing known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC).
Embedded within these tests are components of the Early Assessment Program that help determine the college readiness of a student for CSU-level coursework. These assessments help seniors prioritize and use their senior year proactively, taking the appropriate math and English courses in preparation for college, with the goal of having California high school graduates enter the CSU fully prepared to begin college-level study.
EAP Scores
Students will find their EAP status reported on the front of the Student Score Report. There are four possible EAP status levels, as described below:
Standard Exceeded (Level 4)
Students who score at the highest performance level “Standard Exceeded” (Level 4) will enroll in GE English and/or mathematics college level courses upon entering the CSU. Students are encouraged to continue preparation during the twelfth grade.
Standard Met (Level 3)
Students who score at the “Standard Met” (Level 3) performance level must complete an approved year-long English and/or mathematics course in the twelfth grade with a grade of “C-” or better. Students will enroll in GE English and/or mathematics college-level courses upon entering the CSU.
Standard Nearly Met (Level 2) and Standard Not Met (Level 1)
Students who score at the “Standard Nearly Met” (Level 2) or Standard Not Met (Level 1) performance level will be placed in supported GE English and/or mathematics college-level courses unless they meet the exemption criteria through completion of other multiple measures (ACT, SAT, High School coursework or high school grade point average, and college transfer coursework).
To learn about the use of multiple measures visit the CSU student success website
Information retrieved from Sacramento State University's website.
Find more info on the California Dept. of Ed website.
CSU Student Success website