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Graduating with Honors

Graduating with Honors

The "Honors" title is a recognition that is given to students who have earned specific cumulative Grade Point Averages. Students who earn the Honors title may purchase a stole from the Activities Office to wear at Graduation and will also receive a mention when the students' names are read during the Graduation Ceremony. This honor is often used by students on college and job applications in the "award" or "special acknowledgement" section. We encourage all students to reach their greatest potential, and this is just one of many ways we are able to recognize students who excel in all curricular areas.To earn Honors at Graduation, students must have earned a 3.0 Cumulative GPA or higher for 7 1/2 semesters. (Grade Point Averages are not rounded up). The following designations will be made:

4.0 and Higher = Honors with Distinction (white stole)

3.5 – 3.99 = High Honors (gold stole)

3.0 – 3.499 = Honors (silver stole)

Stole Purchase

In May, students who qualify may purchase a stole from the Activities Office for $20 (cash only in exact change). No charge to the valedictorian or salutatorians.
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