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Success Tips

It is imperative that students stay focused the entire semester. Please review the following Success Tips. 

1. Attend class daily- Absent students receive 0/10 participation points. 

2. Be on time- Tardy students receive 5/10 participation points and a lunch detention. 

3. Write with a pencil. Pen is not accepted
4. Do your XL/IXL!! You can fail the class if you ignore your XL/IXL assignments.

5. Take notes- Not completing your daily notes will result in a loss of participation points. 

6. Stay on track- Students need to complete most homework assignments to pass the class.

7. Stay quiet- Talking and disrupting class will result in a loss of participation points. 

8. Follow the rules- No gum, food, drinks, head phones, cell phones or other devices. Breaking the rules will result in a loss of five (5) participation points. 

9. Allow the instructor to help other students, concentrate on your own work. 

10. Learn Math.
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