Class of 2023
Senior Class
President: Trinity Souza
Vice President: Brianna Wood
Advisors: Ms. Arias & and Ms. Krueger
Class Color: Black
Senior Class Points: 125
Junior Class Points: 85
Sophomore Class Points: 65
Freshmen Class Points: 95

Senior Dates At a Glance
9/22 Hoco Dance Tkts. go on sale @ lunch
9/22 Hoco Dance Tkt. pre-purchase pkg pick-up starts
9/27 Come to your class meeting @ lunch9/29 Pink Game & 8th gr. night @ Var. Ft Ball game 7pm
10/6 Hoco Assembly
10/8 Hoco Dance 7:30-10:45
10/9-14 Float building
10/10-14 Hoco Week & Voting for King and Queen
10/14 Hoco Game (Halftime show & floats) @ 7pm
11/28 Angel tree week- Holiday donations begin
12/8 Tenative Rhinoball Date
12/13-15 Finals and Minimum days
12/19-1/6 Winter Break
1/23-28 Winter Dance week
1/28 Winter Formal @ Riverside Municipal Aud. (8-11pm)
2/2 Blood Drive in the Gym 8-TBA
3/24 Prom Nominations Begin
4/3-7 Spring Break
4/11 Prom tkts. go on sale
4/24-28 Prom Week
4/26 Prom guest passes due
4/29 Prom 8-11:30 pm (LA Cal Science Center)
May- Graduation tkts. go on sale this month date TBD.
5/1-12 AP Exams exact dates TBD
5/16 or 17 Sr. finals start
5/19 Powderpuff football @ NHS Stadium
5/22 Cap and gown distribution
5/23 Elem walk/Senior Dinner dance
5/25 Grad Nite
5/30 Grad practice walk through @ 9am in gym
5/31 Class of '23 Grad. in the Stadium (tickets required) 7pm
6/1 Grad cap/gown return @ diploma pick up PAC- time TBA