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Charlie Weinkauf

Mr. Weinkauf

[email protected]


Welcome Back Norco High Seniors!!

Office Hours:
By Appointment (send me an email)

I will be using Google Classroom this year. Please read the course syllabus for important information you will need this semester. You will find the syllabus inside your Google classroom.
 We will be using the Textbook - California Prentice Hall Economics: Principles in Action.

Economics: (periods 1,2,3,5) Please use the correct period code to access your google classroom.

Google Classroom Codes

Period 1 - wrfglpl

Period 2 - regl55u

Period 3 - hmbscca

Period 5 - 34fyfgp

Syllabus 2023-2024

Norco High School



Mr. Weinkauf

Contact Information:

Room #D21

Email: [email protected]

Phone/Voice Mail: 951-736-3241 x25221

Office Hours:

- By email Monday-Friday

- Before school or lunch by appointment

- Missed Exams:  If you are absent and missed a test or quiz, please MAKE AN APPOINTMENT as soon as possible. Any missing assignments automatically become 0’s if not made up on a weekly basis.

About Mr. Weinkauf

I am so excited to be your teacher this year!  This is my 24th year of teaching and my 8th year back at Norco High. Before coming back to Norco High, I spent 16 years at Canyon High School in Anaheim Hills teaching World and US History.

A Norco resident for 47 years, and a Norco High alumni, it has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to teach at NHS. I am an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys fishing, surfing, hunting, camping, Jeeping in the mountains and all sports. (Especially football and baseball)

Course Description:

Economics, we will cover the economic system and American free enterprise, market structures, supply and demand, business and organization and labor, economic challenges, Gross Domestic Product and Growth (GDP), taxation, fiscal policy, Federal Reserve. Instruction, assignments and projects are designed to help students meet the Common Core State Standards for California. Students will be exposed to a variety of historical people and events. Additionally, students will have continual practice and exposure to the four core areas of literacy: reading, writing, speaking and listening. 

Our learning platform will be through Google Classroom. We’ll complete different assignments using tools like FlipGrid, Google Docs, and Google Slides.

Assignments & Routines

Major Assessments: At the end of each unit there will be some sort of assessment. It is not always a test! Projects, online research, and tests will be used interchangeably to assess your learning and knowledge of the completed unit. The assessment will be a direct reflection of what was discussed during the previous unit. If you are absent on the day of a test, you have one week from the test date to coordinate a time with me to make it up. If you are absent on the day the project is due, it needs to be emailed to me by the end of the school day.


Daily Assignments: We will begin some class periods with a warm up prompt or graphic organizer that allows us to think and discuss current events or the topic we will be studying that day in class. These will be submitted on Google Classroom for points. Every day, there will be at least one discussion.

Google Classroom

Accessing Platform:  Visit this LINK for Google Classroom Support and Troubleshooting: 

Accessing myCNUSD portal: View this video

Grading Policy
: Students will be graded on

  • Participation 

  • Classwork

  • Tests and Quizzes

  • Extended time is built into the pacing of classwork and projects. Therefore, if students choose not to use their time wisely, they will need to complete work outside of class time. 


  • Grading Scale: 

  • 90-100 A

  • 80-89 B

  • 70-79 C

  • 60-69 D

  • 59 and below F

  • Late Work or Missing Work: 


Late work will be deducted 30% of earned grade (Ex: if a student earns a 10/10 on an assignment, but turns it in late, he/she will be given a grade of 7/10 in the grade book. Late work must be turned in within one week of the assigned day. If not, it will be given a 0.

Missing work will be graded as a 0 in the grade book. It cannot be made up if it is not turned in by one week of the assigned date.        

Participation: Participation is expected and encouraged.  I encourage you to think on your own and develop opinions and questions for discussion daily in class. Questions are vital and important in my class. I hope that my classroom will be a safe haven for questions, clarifications and curiosity – these are the mechanisms that promote true understanding. Hopefully this will lead to some exciting discussions and debates throughout the year. You should always be prepared to comment on a topic being discussed in class.

Class Policies

·         Attendance: Attendance daily is a priority! When a student is absent, he/she misses out on important information that may not be repeated again. Again, students earn participation points daily, so an absence will mean no points earned.

·         Promptness:  Students who are not in their assigned seat when the bell rings will be marked as tardy.  First tardy is a warning. Frequent tardiness will result in detention, parent conferences/ phone calls and referrals to the office.

Behavior Expectations: Students are required to follow all school site, District and classroom rules.  Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action per Norco High’s policy. Consequences include, but are not limited to: move seat, stay after class, detention, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion, (based on the frequency/ severity of behavior).

Classroom Rules:

1.   Be respectful.

-      Inappropriate or rude language is not tolerated.

-      Be kind to all members of our class.

2.   Be responsible.

-      You are the key to your future and education.

-      Make your behavior choices wisely.

3.   Be ready to achieve.

-      Complete your work on time.

-      Ask questions when you get stuck or confused. 



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